Academy Council
The Academy Council
The Academy Council is the name for the governing body of an academy and we work closely with the Headteacher and other staff to set a strategic direction for Foley Park Primary Academy. We act as a ‘critical friend’, complementing and enhancing the school leadership by making sure all statutory duties are met. These include appointing the Headteacher, providing support and challenge, and holding the school to account for its impact on improving outcomes for all pupils. This continues to be particularly important following the school’s "Journey to Good", and beyond.
The Headteacher, who is a member of the Academy Council, runs the school on a day to day basis. The Academy Councillors are responsible for the strategic overview of the school and for overseeing the curriculum. We also handle formal complaints, personnel issues, buildings, health and safety, policies and some disciplinary matters.
The Academy Council includes representation from school staff, the community and parents; people who have experience and skills that enable us to support and advise on school issues.
The Academy Council meets regularly and has a number of sub-committees which look in more detail at such areas as health and safety, disadvantaged pupils, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), safeguarding, and the curriculum. The Academy Council feeds into the Victoria Academy Trust Board.
If you have any matters that you'd like to raise, please let us know.
Our Academy Councillors
Richard Collie
Role: Chair - Community Councillor
Link Councillor: Various but including Maths, English and Science
Appointed: 18/10/2019, reappointed 18/10/2022
Term of Office: 3 years; Expires 18/10/2025
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
I became a Councillor to help the school to push its boundaries in continuing to provide a safe and progressive learning environment not just for my grandchildren who attend the school but also for all pupils. Whilst I am a link councillor for specific subject areas, I am interested in all aspects of the curriculum and the school day. I am always happy to talk about the school so feel free to stop me in the playground (Tuesdays and Wednesdays are when I can normally be spotted) to have a chat.
Before I retired I ran a management consultancy company for over 20 years which focused very much on improving operational performance. I am married, have two daughters with one working at Kidderminster College and the other teaching Year 6 children in Birmingham. Although a while back now, when my daughters were going to school both my wife and myself became heavily involved in their school lives, my wife as a governor whist I chaired the PTA for 6 years.
Steve Robinson
Role: Vice Chair - Community Councillor
Link Councillor: Various but including Safeguarding, PSHE and RE
Appointed: 20/5/2022
Term of Office: 3 years; Expires 20/5/2025
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
I’m a massive believer in our education system and the amazing work teachers do all over the country. I was a teacher myself in primary schools for a decade of my life and worked myself slowly up the ladder working in my later years as Head of Literacy and Year 6 at a school in Oldbury and then Assistant Headteacher at a West Bromwich school. Both were in special measures when I joined them and was part of the team that brought both schools out as good.
In my role as Church minister of Riverside Elim Church Bewdley I believe that we need to play a role in making a positive difference in our communities. “Love where you live” being a key strap line with me at church and we have some people from church who live in the Foley Park area as well as on staff. When this opportunity arose to become part of the board at Foley Park I was incredibly excited as it brought two of my life passions, teaching and the community, together.
In this role I want to bring my expertise from my teaching career and my expertise from my community building and caring to the school community. Something which I am eager to explore and engage in. I have a long history of safeguarding, needing to be trained since my first teaching role over 15 years ago and still in my church role today.
Nina Price
Role: Parent Councillor (appointed by parents)
Link Councillor: Pupil Premium, Attendance, Art
Appointed: 3/12/2021,
Term of Office: 3 years; Expires 3/12/2024 - Resigned December 2023
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
Sobia Shaw
Role: Community Councillor
Link Councillor:
Appointed: 2022
Term of Office: 3 years;
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
I joined Foley Park Primary Academy School in 2022 and believe it is an integral part of the local community and I hope to positively contribute to its continued excellent achievements and to develop as a diverse, safe and vibrant place to be educated and play.
I have over 37 years of experience of working in the charity, local authority, public and academic sectors. I was CEO of a Women’s Organisation, a registered charity for 30 years tackling domestic and sexual violence providing services across the East and West Midlands.
I have been responsible for designing and developing projects, research, training, policy, practice and strategy work in relation to domestic violence and abuse, homelessness, mental health, safeguarding, equality and diversity, social justice and inclusion. Raising over 30 million pounds for my organisation, I have extensive experience and sound understanding of funding and fundraising, governance and leadership, partnership working, research and development, policy and practice in social care, safeguarding, social and criminal justice, ecology and environmental sustainability, health and safety, managing within tight budgets, high pressure environments and competing demands, volunteer and service user engagement and involvement. I am committed to establishing models of services, projects, practice and governance that have equality equity inclusion and diversity at their core.
Having worked studied and lived in Kidderminster, my first job being a Neighbourhood Worker on the Foley Park Estate in the late 80’s and later in 1995 I supported the development of a domestic violence and abuse service in Kidderminster for the Wyre Forest area, involving writing a Business Plan and applying for funding. More recently during 2021 I was appointed as Vice Chair of Kidderminster Town Hall Trust and supported the Town Hall by co-ordinating and co-writing a funding bid to the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities to the value of 176K over 2 years and contributed to a Lottery’s Heritage Fund bid to the value of 250K.
Currently I am overseeing a community project on a voluntary basis for the Kidderminster Business Improvement District (BID) whose work is focused on improving the town centre on all levels and in creating a town centre for the 21st century that is an integral part of the lives of all the local communities and areas of Kidderminster and I hope to make a positive contribution towards its prosperity and develop as a diverse, safe and vibrant place to live work and play.
Being a kidney transplant patient I was invited to become a member of the Birmingham Bio-Medical Research Centre’s Liver and GI Public and Patient Involvement Group funded by the National Institution of Health Research. I joined in 2020 and have been involved in various pieces of work/research as a patient contributor. In October 2022 I was presented with the St Georges Cross by the BRC which was awarded to the NHS by the Queen, for my contribution to the Equality Framework and my wider work within the organisation. In November 2022 I was appointed as the Vice Chair of the Liver and Gastro-Intestinal Patient and Public Involvement Group.
Laima (Newly appointed)
Role: Parent Councillor
Link Councillor:
Appointed: December 2023
Term of Office: 3 years;
Business/Pecuniary Interests: Nail Business owner
Nicola Baddeley
Role: Teaching staff councillor
Link Councillor: SEND
Appointed: December 2023
Term of Office: 3 years
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None declared
I have worked at Foley Park since 2015 and over that time I have held a variety of responsibilities. My current roles within school are Year 5 teacher, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo), science lead, Trauma Informed lead, senior mental health lead and member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Throughout my career, my passion has always been supporting and challenging children in order to ensure they achieve and excel. I am a strong advocate for the children and families of Foley Park and strive to ensure they are receiving the provision and support they are entitled to, and equipping staff within school with the skills and tools for this.
Prior to re-joining this year, I was part of the Academy Council at Foley Park for 3 years from October 2019. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience and the challenge that the council provides to school in order to push us to improve. I look forward to working with the other councillors again to continue driving Foley Park forward.
You'll likely see me around school or on the gate some mornings and afternoons. Feel free to come and say hi or speak with me about all things Foley Park.
Micaila Price
Role: Non-teaching staff councillor
Link Councillor:
Appointed: December 2023
Term of Office: 3 years; Expires
Business/Pecuniary Interests:
Role: Community Councillor
Link Councillor:
Term of Office: 3 years; Expires
Business/Pecuniary Interests: