Parent Attendance Leaflet
Why is good attendance important?
At Foley Park 'Attendance in school' is a priority for us.
Learning is similar to a jigsaw puzzle. If your child does not attend school regularly, they may struggle to make learning connections and miss key learning blocks in their learning journey. They will also miss out on the social side of school life with their friends which is very important for their development.
How do I report an absence?
Please try and contact the school office (by Class dojo or via phone) before 9.15am to explain why your child will not be in school.
Can I request a holiday during term time?
Please do not take your child out of school for holidays.
At Foley Park we do not authorise any leave in term time - only in ‘exceptional circumstances’. A meeting with the Headteacher needs to be booked to discuss any requests for leave of absence during term-time. Penalty notice fines can be issued by the Education Court Team.