Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report 2023-2024 - Please click the links below for information
- What school leaders and Academy Councillors (governors) do to ensure all children feel welcome, included and reach their potential
- How we identify and assess children with potential special educational needs
- Areas of need
- How we work in partnership with parents and carers
- How we make sure all staff support your child and ensure they make good progress
- How we review your child's progress
- How we ensure the children with SEND enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum
- How we make sure that our school and classrooms are safe, accessible and stimulating
- How we listen and respond to the views of children with SEND
- How we support children with transition when moving up, joining or leaving our school
- How we support children's health and general well-being
- How we support Looked After Children (LAC) with SEND
- Glossary
Ordinarily Available Provision and the Graduated Response for SEND at Foley Park Primary Academy
SEND Code of Practice and Inclusion leaflet
Victoria Academies Trust SEND Policy
SEND Local Offer
Worcestershire SEND Local Offer Worcestershire's Local Area SEND Offer for SEND services to advise school staff and parents/carers