How we work in partnership with parents and carers
Our SENDCo leads an active SEND Parent Forum. In this forum, the SENDCo meets with parents of children with SEND who are interested in getting their voices heard to improve the processes, policies, paperwork and general communication between school and parents/carers. Parents of children on the SEND register are encouraged to participate in this forum should they want to. Meetings are currently held half-termly at the most convenient time for members. Should you like to join the parent forum, please contact Mrs Baddeley.
Parents of children on the SEND register are invited in termly (or more often if appropriate), to review their child’s My Plan (a document which outlines the provision and targets for children with SEND) and agree new targets, alongside discussions for supporting their child at home.
We also invite parents in to school twice a year to attend Parents’ Evenings (Autumn and Spring Term) and provide a written, end of year Annual Report in July.
Our SENDCo is available in school 2 and a half days a week and can be easily contactable by phone. We have an ‘open door’ policy and encourage parents to take an active interest in their child's learning and progress in school. Due to the COVID-19, more contact with the SENDCo may be via telephone or via Class Dojo, as opposed to face-to-face meetings.
Complaints - if a parent/carer has a complaint about their child's SEND provision, we encourage them first to speak to the SENDCo or headteacher. If, following this, the complaint is not resolved, we advise using the school's complaint procedure, available on the policies page of the website. We also encourage parents to contact SENDIASS, a free and impartial service available for parents/carers of children with diagnosed or potential SEND. Their website is available at: Please also see the bottom of the SEND webpage to find the SENDIASS leaflet.