(Universal Provision)
Inclusive strategies for ALL learners embedded in QFT
- Quality first teaching and graduated approach throughout school
- Differentiated curriculum planning, activities, approaches & outcomes
- Individual target setting for maths, reading and writing with pupil progress meetings between staff each term
- Learning objectives (in the form of WALTs) & success criteria clearly communicated
- Working walls and practical resources
- Use of ICT: whiteboards, iPads, netbooks
- In-class targeted teacher support
- Teaching Assistant support within class teaching (small group or individual)
- Structured Phonics programme
- Collaborative (peer) and self-assessment
- Learning style awareness – visual, auditory, kinaesthetic approach
- Improved provision of outdoor learning environment
- Access to extra-curricular activities
- Educational trips and residential trips
- WOW events e.g., visiting theatre
- Whole school policies:
- Teaching & learning
- SEND Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Half-termly Pupil Progress monitoring
- Reporting to parents at Parents’ Evenings twice a year
- Written reports on all children for parents in July
(in addition to universal provision)
Targeted intervention and support for SOME learners
- In-class additional targeted teacher support
- In-class additional Teaching Assistant support within class teaching (small group or individual)
- Pre-teaching of vocabulary and concepts
- Opportunities for over-learning e.g. Precision Teaching
- Additional intervention(s) discussed at Pupil progress meetings to address lack of progress/barriers to learning
- Maths after-school club
- Consultation with Maths Co-ordinator, Phonics. Co-ordinator, English Co-ordinator & Pupil Premium Co-ordinator to determine intervention / level needed
- Targets set for interventions and outcomes agreed with SENDCo, SLT, class teacher and Teaching Assistant providing intervention
- Targets routinely shared and discussed with child
- Additional use of visual and practical resources
- Impact of intervention measured by teacher and SENDCo
- If no further improvements/progress the concerns are noted by the class teacher on a ‘Cause for Concern’ for SENDCo form & further progress carefully monitored
(in addition to universal provision and targeted intervention)
Specialist support for a FEW learners
- Child placed on the Special Needs Register
- Parents informed of continuing needs and next steps for Special Needs support
- Assessments, advice and recommendations from outside agencies as appropriate
- Advice & support for the class teacher from the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
- My Plan written with SMART targets (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time)
- Interventions (one to one & small group support) for reading, reading comprehension, spelling and maths
- Impact of intervention measured
- Review of provision with parents, class teacher, specialist teacher & involved agencies at least termly
- Additional use of visual and practical resources
- Use of adapted and/or specialist equipment
- Involvement of Outside agencies: Pupil Referral Unit
- One to one provision by Special Needs teaching assistants for some pupils with High Needs; EHCP or challenging behaviours
- Annual review for pupils with an Education Health and Care Plan
- Views of families and child/young person reflected in My Plan