As part of Victoria Academies Trust, we believe our children need access to a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that ensures that learning is experiential and meaningful so that it makes a deep emotional connection.
Learning to read with fluency and understanding is given a high priority in our school as we know this is key to unlocking the curriculum and essential for future academic success.
Challenge Curriculum
Our 'Challenge Curriculum' is based on termly challenge packs, towards a clear project outcome that shares the children’s learning.
All of the knowledge (and skills) directed from the National Curriculum are organised within our Challenge Packs. An accompanying Knowledge Organiser sits alongside to track the information taught, signpost where children would have accessed similar learning previously in their school life, and the technical vocabulary expected to be demonstrated.
Often this results in cross-curricular learning, where language and information can be applied and revisited to strengthen the children’s understanding of ‘big concepts’ or specific periods of time. However, children are taught to recognise the distinct subject areas as they refer to being Historians or Scientists or Musicians…
Though the information and coverage is centrally organised to ensure a broad depth of curriculum, teachers and Subject Leaders enjoy the autonomy of adapting the subjects, lessons and teaching to best reflect the children in their classes.
For more Information on our curriculum, please speak to your child’s teacher or a member of the leadership team.