Key information
- PE will be on Monday afternoons so please send your child in their PE kit these days.
- Please remember that our PE kit includes a plain white top (or with a school logo on), plain black shorts or jogging bottoms, pumps or trainers, and a fleece for colder weather.
Forest school
- Mrs Sinden is our Forest School leader and takes the children to our allotment site each Wednesday afternoon.
- Children should come to school in old clothes that are long sleeved. If it is sunny, please ensure that your child has a sun hat. If it is raining, please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat.
- The children will need to bring wellies for forest school days. Please ensure all wellies are clearly labelled with your child's name.
- We will set new spellings each week.
- Your child will be able to access their spellings via 'Spelling Shed'. To access this, their username will be: 'fol' followed by the first 3 letters of their first name and first 3 letters of their last name. E.g. Sam Smith would be 'folsamsmi'. Their password will be foley1.
- Please encourage daily practice of these spellings to ensure your child has the best chance of developing their spelling skills.
- We use Rising Stars levelled reading books across our school.
- We will listen to your child read regularly to ensure that they are accessing the most appropriate book level and we encourage them to read at home daily to develop their reading skills. We will change their book once we are happy that they have a good understanding of the book they are reading and that they can read their book with reasonable fluency.
- We ask that your child (or yourself) records each time they have read so that we can maintain a clear record of how regularly they read. It is important that they read at home as regularly as possible in order to develop their reading skills successfully.
- It is important that your child practices times tables daily.
- Please encourage your child to play on TTRockstars to help them develop accuracy and fluency. We award children with weekly certificates for 'The Most Valuable Players'.
- To login, your child's username will be the first 3 letters of their first name followed by the first 3 letters of their last name. They have individual passwords (usually 3 letters), which you can request from us.
- Lexia is a reading programme aimed to develop your child's reading skills. Your child will have been assessed to identify their reading level and then the programme will tailor itself to your child's individual needs.
- It is advised that your child spends at least 80 minutes per week accessing Lexia in order to have the most successful impact as possible.
- We do provide time in school for your child to access Lexia, although we do also need your support by encouraging your child to go on this at home as often as possible.
- To access Lexia your child's username will be their full first nakme followed by the initial of their last name. E.g. Sam Smith would be sams. Their password will be 'foley1'.
- You may require an email to login - please use