Key information
- PE will take place on a Monday afternoon so please send your child in their PE ki on this day. We will also have PE on Friday afternoons during the 2nd half of each half term.
- Please remember that our PE kit includes a plain white top (or with a school logo on), plain black shorts or jogging bottoms, pumps or trainers, and a fleece for colder weather.
Forest school
- Mr Farnsworth is our Forest School leader and takes the children to our allotment site on Friday afternoons during the 1st half of each term.
- Children should come to school in old clothes that are long sleeved. If it is sunny, please ensure that your child has a sun hat. If it is raining, please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat.
- The children will need to bring wellies for forest school days. Please ensure all wellies are clearly labelled with your child's name.
- We are fortunate enough to have Mr Hattersely, from Severn Arts, to teach us how to play the cornet. This session is every Tuesday afternoon.
- If you signed the permission form, then your child will be able to bring their cornet home each week and will need to bring it back in to school the following Tuesday.
- Each child has a designated cornet with a individual barcode so that we can keep a track of the cornets. Please ensure you take care of these instruments.