At Foley Park we want our children to understand that when working as a musician there is a process of exploring ideas and starting points, using different instruments and techniques and notation. All of these are valuable when creating a final outcome and sharing these with an audience.
Children can critique and evaluate their own and others work using technical and musical vocabulary and as a result they improve their performance and composition.
Children listen to and develop knowledge of different styles and genres of music including the work of a range of different artists. This will lead to a compare and contrast of these pieces of music and link these to emotions. At points in their primary education, children will be exposed to live performances of a range of genres.
Children have a sustained opportunity across a whole academic year to be able to learn one instrument in depth, including notation, chord progression to lead to a performance.
Children will be given opportunities to sing across the school through singing assemblies, choir performances and through the Charanga scheme. There will be opportunities for children to develop their singing ability and their understanding of the technical elements of singing (harmonies, scales, and different styles of singing)