What school leaders and Academy Councillors (governors) do to ensure all children feel welcome, included and reach their potential
Mrs Baddeley is our SENDCo and has responsibility for SEND within Foley Park. Mrs Baddeley is part of the Senior Leadership team and this means that we regularly discuss SEND issues in Senior Leadership Team meetings. We keep support for children with SEND under constant review.
Mrs Baddeley keeps a register of children we identify as having a Special Educational Need or Disability and monitors this regularly to ensure it is up to date, assessing children twice per year. She also keeps a record of the provision of all the different ways that we provide extra support (for example: support for reading/ maths/ writing, intervention for communication difficulties and Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs) for children with SEND.
A child’s provision can also be found on their My Plan document. This document is created by class teachers - in conjunction with Mrs Baddeley - and shared with children and parents to ensure that all involved are aware of the child's needs, strengths, areas for development and the strategies and/ or resources put in place to ensure they make progress.
We carefully monitor the progress and well-being of children with SEND and the quality of our provision, including teaching and support. Senior leaders observe lessons, interventions and hold discussions with teachers and support staff.
If something is not working well, we change and improve our provision. We make sure that support is well matched to a child’s needs. We also make sure that the provision is well researched, evidence-based and effective.
The Academy Councillor for SEND, Micaila Price, challenges us to make sure we constantly improve the quality of provision for children with SEND and the outcomes that they achieve. She does this during Academy Council meetings and when she visits Foley Park to observe our practice. We have parents/carers on the Academy Council and one of their roles is to represent the views and concerns of all parents, including those with children with SEND.