What we are learning
Please see the termly curriculum overviews below to see what we will be learning each term.
Termly Curriculum Overviews
How can you help?
We hope that you can support your child with the learning that they are doing here in school by asking your child to talk about what they have learnt. If your child would like to do further learning this term, here are some suggestions that they may like to explore:
Autumn Term:
To Infinity and Beyond
- Create a diagram of the Saturn V rocket and annotate with key features
- Make a leaflet to give to someone who would like to know about space/Apollo 11 missions etc.
- Build a replica of the Lunar Rover
- Create a fact file about Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan
- Write a diary entry from the point of view of any of the people involved in an Apollo mission
- Build a replica model of the solar system
- Create 'guess who' cards a bout different planets
- Write a poem to describe the planets
- Carry out an experiment to test gravity, air resistance or friction.
Spring Term:
A Period Before Its Time
- Create a 3D model replica of the House of Wisdom
- Write a diary from the point of view from a merchant travelling on the Silk Road
- Create a timeline and plot all of the history periods you have learnt so far (Stone Age-Iron Age, Romans, Vikings, Ancient Greeks, WW1, Space Travel)
- Write a travel brochure to encourage people to travel to Baghdad
- Create a painting to show the landscape of the rocky valleys of Mecca, Lava fields of Medina or Arabian Desert.
- Create a fact file about Rashidun Caliphate
- Research in which countries Islamic civilisation developed and label these countries on a world map
- Design Islamic style patterns (consider shape and symmetry)
Victorious Victorians - Industrial Revolution
- Write a diary entry from the point of view of a child working in a workhouse
- Build a model of a Victorian workhouse
- Research toys poor children played with during the Victorian era and make your own
- Paint your own version of art inspired by William Morris
- Write a poem about life during the Victorian era
- Sketch a design of a steam train
- Visit the Severn Valley Railway
- Do some cooking or baking following a Victorian recipe
- Recreate a scene from the workhouse -drama
We absolutely love seeing what your child has been up to and will always be happy to share it with the class as well as reward with Dojo points for their hard work and creativity.
Please do not hesitate to message us over Class Dojo or talk to us at the end of the school day if you have any questions about your child's learning.